the best concert i have been

The seven of november in "Pista Atlética del Estadio Nacional" wen i was 14 years, I went to see the first time of the British band "Blur" in Chile, this was one of my favorite bands for many years (along with "weezer") the band is form for Graham Coxon, Damon Albarn, Alex James and Dave Rowntree, and it was formed in London in 1988.

Being honest, I was NOT a kid with a many friends, and the few schoolchildren that were did not share my tastes, SOOOOOOO I went with my brother's girlfriend, she was 23 at the time and have know me since i was seven ( it feels a little weird being alone whit her)

We were in the stadium pitch and we're both pretty short people so we could squeeze between people and go a lot close to the front .

who opened the concert was Beck and his music was a very good start, everyone i could see is dancing and jumping, everyone is happy when Blur enter in stage. I was jumping and singing almost the hole day.

The concert finish with the sunset and whit the gf of my brother we walk to the exit to meet my mom and have her take us home.

I still have the t-shirt i bougt in the concert.


  1. That Is a very good experience, i live a similar when i see illapu and Manuel García. Thats memories gonna stay for life.


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